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Apr 6, 2020

Goals are a unique combination of:

Tactics—what do I need to do to accomplish this goal?

Aspiration— what can I accomplish if I put my mind to it?

Faith— I believe that I can accomplish this goal.

Commitment  - I’m going to dedicate part of my resources to making this goal happen.

Setting goals require an ability to balance the need to be realistic while also reaching for something you aren’t quite sure how to get to – something that isn’t within your current comfort zone.

Then, once you’ve set that goal – you need to stop focusing on it. Focusing on the goal – on the end state will not propel you from here to there. Instead, you need to start to identify the steps that you are going to take to get you there. What is the next step you can take to move you toward your goal?

There are also some tools that you can use to help you keep on track:

1% - the concept of 1% is that you will eventually achieve your goal by making 1% progress each week. If you goal seems overwhelming, remember the 1%

Tell somebody—if you tell somebody about your goal, you are going to feel more accountable for following through.

Reward yourself along the way—the goal is the big prize, but each accomplishment along the way should be celebrated in some way.